I got a good response on my "Sweet Georgia Summer" book. I haven't sold it yet, but I did get a commission to make one in different colors for my boyfriend's mom. Which gave me the insane idea of making a series of these beaded books with different designs and colors on the covers.
I was talking to a friend of mine last night about the new design I had come up with, and he asked me why I insisted on being so crazy with my designs. I thought for a moment, then came up with the best answer I could: Blending the line between genius and crazy tends to allow for some of my better and more uni
que ideas (we'll take my porcupine/cactus/needle book for instance).
So last night I designed #3 in a set of goodness knows how many. I haven't bound it yet, because quite frankly I'm exhausted from beading and I REALLY don't want to go to Walmart right now to find ribbon. But here is the cover
design anyway, because I'm very excited about it, and I want to hear your thoughts, comments, praises, or declarations of my insanity!

The cover is bound in ice-white linen bookcloth and will be bound with blue or green satin ribbon, in the same corset bind of "Sweet Georgia Summer".
The fish is hand-beaded with silver, green, blue, orangey-purple, light purple, black and gold beads (sead, bugle, large), and detailed with black sewing thread. The bubbles and red details on the side of the fish are blue and red Swarovski crystals.
This is available for purchase upon completion, so if anyone wants dibs, please say so! Thanks guys!
BEAUTIFUL. I want pictures of all in the set ^_^