just found one of my favorite Wailin' Jennys songs ever, Glory Bound. thus the title. kinda struck a chord today, since today was the day my church met on the beach and had a mass baptism. 13 people buried their sins in the ocean floor. it was pretty magical. and this song pretty much just wrapped up my general day's feelings.
{When I hear that trumpet sound I will lay my burdens down. I will lay them deep into the ground. Then I'll know that I am glory bound.
I'll be traveling far from home, but I won't be looking for to roam. I'll be crossing o'er the great divide, in a better home soon I will reside. Hallelujah!
When I'm in my resting place I'll look on my mother's face. Never more will I have to know all the loneliness that plagues me so. Hallelujah!}
just in a total happy place today. peaceful and inspired.
i have two new pieces of art as well.
the first is my sketch book i made on thursday. it's hardbound in book cloth, with a detail cut out of the cloth and laid over decorative paper. pretty awesome, pretty simple.

the second is for my mom's food business thing she's getting worked up. she asked me to do a label/business card she can attach to the her food/plants. since she's calling it "Tillie's Fields" and "Tillie's Table" i decided to use an image that reminded me of Nanny- which is her pecan tree and granite table in her front yard. its a tree with history, so i figured, why not give it some immortality?
here is the first draft:

pretty excited. hope she likes it!
going to go get ready for bed now...