ok so because i'm going to be a real person in 4 months' time, it's time to start trying to look professional! i just bought my new domain name,
http://rachelwharton.com, so please go visit! it is still in the working stages right now as i fight with sitebuilder and css, but never fear! i will overcome.
this blog will be more for me giving updates on new projects, job hunts, online galleries, daily image updates, personal life and happy things, etc. i'm really excited to be part of the real world soon, and i hope you all enjoy keeping up with me!
so i'll get us started out easy here:
my name is rachel. i'm an illustration student at the savannah college of art and design. i'm graduating in november, and my goal is to get a job with a children's book publishing company. unfortunately i'm not banking on that goal right now so i'll be looking for internships in atlanta, new york and san francisco.
i like watching movies, finding new music, talking to people, making things, reading books, drinking coffee, snuggling my one and only love tater (my pup), sleeping and dreaming. the dorkiest thing i do is roleplay on a harry potter website. my favorite thing to draw is the human face. i am easily amused. i believe in magic.
so there's a little about who i am. please stalk my blog and my website!
just to give you an idea of what i do, here's a quick sample of my artwork.

this is a poster i did for poster class. its a digital watercolor of my muse telling me what to do. usually she kicks my butt, but i do whatever she says... because she said so... its a tough world.